Friday, June 12, 2009

Educated Quilt?

This was a fun quilt. Made for my daughter, Kimberly when she was around 3 years old. If I am not badly mistaken this quilt also went to college with her, and the girls used it outside on the ground to sit on to do their homework.

I quilted around the animals, trains, etc. It has a yellow backing.


Sherri said...

Very cute quilt! You certainly are one talented lady.

Kim said...

Still use this quilt a lot. It has always been a favorite!

Linda said...

Hi, Thanks for the comment from Wednesday's Walk. I would be honored if you decided to copy my poem and post it at work. ((smile))

I hope it helps you to cherish the little things,..and to have a blessed day.

I feel close to my blogger friends. It is fun having these "pen pals".

You are a talented lady, and I enjoy your posts ans your pictures, and your outlook on life.

Blessings to you!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits.

Kari said...

Love the quilt. I'm a quilt girl and have many made by women in the family (and my inlaws as well).

Thanks for stopping by my blog 'A Story of Frienship'. I have also met up with so many of my friends from high school and elementary school on facebook. So amazing we have this wonderful technology to do this. It's been wonderful.

Have a great day!