Friday, December 6, 2013

Not always good things

Sometimes when you make things and they look good and you are pleased with your work, it doesn't always stay that way.

It turned out looking good in March when I finished it, yet when I washed it, yikes! It went from a size. Single be to a king bed plus size.

There were big holes next to the ladder rungs of this Jacobs ladder bed spread. I was very unhappy with it. There was over $80 worth of yarn in it and not useable for what it was intended. Therefore on Wednesday night I started disassembling this product of many hours of labor.

After that evening and a full day of working on it. It was just a heap of balls ready to be used again.

I started making a scarf for starters. I do not know what all I shall make with this thread but eventually I shall have it all used up again!

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pies, pillowcases and repair job

Two vanilla crumb pies. Actually the first pie I have ever made, even if I cheated and bought the ready made crust. (Mom, it turned out pretty good even tho you never taught me how to make pies).

Two baseball pillow cases all done, ready to use.
Thanks Mom for teaching me how to sew!

And a repair job on a pant leg for Kenley.

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First I made all my letters out of all white. These are my stencils.

Since then I have made a number of sets from colored plastic canvas. Pink and purple for my granddaughter.
Red and blue for my grandson.
Multicolored for a friend of mine. And two other sets to mail to two other little ones.
Yep, I saved my stencils. Just in case I ever need the again. They were the. Hardest to do since I had to count on them. The rest? Well lay those stencils on colors plastic canvas and start snipping.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Neck scarf

Experimental.....I only did three rows instead of five like the one I saw. Three strands then braided together. Think I should have gone wider, but knew I didn't have enough yarn to make it wider. Would love to do it in a burgundy and make the strips wider to see how that would turn out.

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Thursday, February 28, 2013


I have been knitting some hats. These were fun to do.

Bud wanted a red, white and blue one. This is what I did for him.

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