Little nuddy girl, just wearing shoes, and yes they are all one piece the face, hair and undies are part of the one piece, the shoes were slip ons, they have elastic around the back to hold them to her legs.

All decked out.
When Kim was around 3 or 4 she always wanted paper dolls to play with. But she'd always tear them so quickly because they were flimsy paper. So for Christmas I found these plastic canvas doll patterns, so I made her a set of Plastic canvas dolls with clothes and accessories to play with. I had so much fun that year. I actually sat in the living room of a evening working on them and she was right there with me and still didn't know what I was doing. She had a lot of fun with her plastic canvas paper dolls.
I had a lot of fun doing this project and she played with them for hours.
Yes, I still have them. Haven't sent them home with her yet, was afraid she'd have to store her in the attic and the plastic canvas would get too hot and melt her.