Started these men slippers on Sunday. Twenty hours later I have completed them. Sure hope my former fellow employee will enjoy them. I will let him have them at a reduced price, but it I ever have to do them again they will be $80 for the set. This was a lot of work!
A friend of Bud's ordered two of these. Both the same color and the same style buttons. Finished them this morning. All ready for delivery. Now on to the next order and project.
I am 65 years old and my husband and I have been married for 37 years. The Lord blessed us with one daughter and son-in-law. And A fantstic granddaughter and grandson. I have worked for Tica, Inc. (a heating and air conditioning firm) since Kim was 5 weeks old. Have been a bookkeeper since 1970 when I came to Decatur as a country girl from the Arthur area.
Retired at the end of 2011, and am loving it!
If you desire to e-mail me: