A while back Kim ask me if I could repair her Mr. Froggies eyes. The whites were all dirty looking and the felt was torn. She wanted to wash him and use him in the nursery for our upcoming grandchild.
I took Mr. Froggie home with me on a Friday night that I was in Bloomington to pick up Bud at the airport. When I went to Walmart- the next day I forgot to get felt.
Then I saw something on line someone else had made and thought---why can't I crochet him some new eyes? I did a trial run and text it to her. But instead of giving him New Eyes I just covered his current eyes with new stuff. Like removing cataracts only in reverse.
I crocheted this covering and covered his eye then sewed it to the body.
Below is the final result.
Now he is all ready (Since Kim has washed him in the washer) he is all ready for a young child to carry him around by the legs just like she did when she was younger.